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What Are The Benefits Of A DCE, Or Direct Contracting Entity?

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Late last year, we received a barrage of questions about Accountable Care Organizations, or ACOs, and CMS’s final determination on their status. Would CMS revive the model, contrary to popular belief? Would doctors choose an alternative model for value-based care?

We received our answer. On May 21, 2021, CMS’s Innovation Center confirmed what many physicians suspected – that the Next-Generation ACO model would not be extended beyond 2021. In other words, it’s time to look forward.

Thankfully, the value-based world is nothing if not forward-looking. Genuine Health Group has a long history of managing risk, and our Direct Contracting Entity, Genuine Health Direct, has distinct advantages that we’ve shared with our physician partners – and we hope you’ll want to know more.

Improved Capitation Agreements

Prior to the DCE model, monthly capitation payments for Medicare beneficiaries were paid to doctors for their patients enrolled in managed care plans. Now, physicians can receive capitation payments every month for patients with traditional Medicare – and are also exempt from burdensome MIPS reporting requirements.

Distinct Advantages

Genuine Health Direct helps participating doctors reduce overall healthcare costs and improve health outcomes. This includes support for patients with chronic conditions, as well as year-round assistance in growing patient volumes.

More Choice – And Services – For Your Patients

Direct Contracting Entities like ours do not restrict patients’ choice of providers, which helps keep them both happier and healthier. In addition, patients aligned with Genuine Health Direct have access to additional services at no extra cost, such as health education, reminders for wellness visits, and support managing chronic conditions, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and COPD.

Alignment With Additional Programs

Genuine Health Direct has a unique program called Genuine Health At Home, which offers patients with chronic diseases in-home care and support, including help with medications, regular check-in calls, and even an evaluation of patients’ homes to eliminate dangers and hazards.

Bonus Opportunities

Reliable income is one thing – and bonuses are another. When Genuine Health Direct collectively outperforms medical benchmarks, physician partners benefit with special bonuses. There is also potential for additional financial benefits as part of our rewards program.

Smooth Onboarding

Genuine Health Group is currently recruiting high-performing primary care physicians for its Direct Contracting Entity, which means you can onboard easily. For physicians who sign up, Genuine Health also provides practice support, including assistance for traditional Medicare patients to align with Genuine Health Direct. We’ll even train your staff to improve Medicare Risk Assessment scores.

The discontinuation of the Next-Generation ACO model may have disappointed some, but we’re here to remind you that the DCE model is a new, attractive option with substantial benefits.

You can find out more about Genuine Health’s Direct Contracting Entity, Genuine Health Direct, here. To request a fact sheet on our DCE, please email our team here. We’re looking forward to answering your questions!

The statements contained in this document are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CMS. The authors assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this document.



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