We all recognize that only a small fraction of the population consumes
the majority of our care resources.

Genuine Health At Home
For all our affiliated physicians – those participating in Genuine Health Group’s Management Service Organization (MSO) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), programs – Genuine Health At Home offers additional healthcare services to keep Medicare beneficiaries and Medicare Advantage members healthy and satisfied.
Designed for individuals living with chronic diseases, like diabetes, congestive heart disease, and COPD, our team of caregivers works to minimize hospital readmissions, ensure medication compliance, and recognize health risks at the earliest stage – where we can more effectively and most affordably intervene.
A Smooth Transition From Hospital To Home
Genuine Health At Home works to ensure the transition from hospital to home is a safe one. From reviewing discharge care instructions, to monitoring prescription drug usage, to evaluating health status for signs of complications, the team works to keep patients healthy when they’re back at home.
Genuine Health At Home also capitalizes on evidence that home-based care can be as effective or more effective than care in a hospital setting, not only after discharge, but also for patients with serious, chronic disease. These patients use the most healthcare resources, so by addressing their needs more affordably – at home – patients fare better, and our physicians participate earn more.
Robust Care For Robust Savings
Utilizing Genuine Health At Home on behalf of individuals with chronic medical conditions results in improved outcomes, fewer hospitalizations, and more satisfied, happier patients. The program includes a robust suite of services, including:
Case management
Health coaching and disease education
Medical care at home delivered by nurse practitioners
Administrative support and scheduling
Advocacy accessing additional care resources
Private analysis of your data with Genuine Insights™
Find out if you or someone you care about is eligible for Genuine Health At Home. Contact our team at 786.878.5500.
1 Pecci, Alexandra. “HealthLeaders .” Home Hospital Pilot Lowers Acute Care Episode Costs 52%, 27 Feb. 2018, www.healthleadersmedia.com/innovation/home-hospital-pilot-lowers-acute-care-episode-costs-52.